Thank You For Reading

As those that have followed the blog for a while know, I generally posted an average of one blog per day and did so for almost 8 years. With the new job, I’ve decided to look for ways to create content under the Deloitte brand either through white papers or on their blogs.

I will continue to share information through Twitter and on LinkedIn, but I’m going to keep this blog on hiatus for now.

It’s been a great outlet for me over the years. It’s helped me think through numerous ideas. I’ve used it to connect with people. I’ve used it to open doors and get press and speaking opportunities. And, within the start-up world, the ability to blog on my own has been widely accepted and embraced. As many of you know, that’s harder to do within a corporate environment.

For those of you that have followed the blog and read it continuously, I really appreciate it. I hope you will follow me on Twitter or connect with me so I can share new things as I create them in my new job.

Happy Holidays!!

One Response to “Thank You For Reading”

  1. I was so excited to see an Enabling Healthy Decisions in my in-box, and so disappointed to read that it will probably be the last. I have always been one of those who always read and appreciated your blog. Your comments were always frank, candid and insightful. I will miss your posts. Please add my e mail address to your Deloitte e mail distribution. I look forward to hearing from you. Blessings to you and yours in 2015. Steve Sommer

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